It is preferable that after any blood tests, x-rays or scans that you follow up appointment to discuss results, implications and an ongoing treatment plan. Please ensure that you schedule this with our front desk approximately 4 or so working days after completing your tests.
Alternatively you may ring the surgery 4 days after completing your tests and ask the secretaries about your results. Please note that our secretarial staff can only give very limited information about your tests and any detailed explanations will require a follow-up appointment with your doctor.
If your result is significantly abnormal requiring follow up then we will contact you to arrange another appointment. It is very important that you attend any such recall appointments.
There are circumstances where you will be automatically placed on a government initiated register system where you will be reminded to attend for certain procedures, e.g. PAP smears, bowel cancer screening or mammograms. You may receive mail from time to time about these.